Welcome to The 7UP Collection

Welcome to the blog of my 7UP Collection.

Lately I've started collecting specific 7UP items, combined with modelcars.

At the moment I own:
5 7UP modelcars,
3 mini 7UP sodamachines,
2 over 30-year old 7UP coasters,
3 different old 7UP ashtrays,
11 cans from the 90's 7UP Fido Dido collection,
1 Arabic 7UP can,
1 7UP 2013 can,
1 7UP Light 2013 can,
1 7UP 2011 can, 2 classic 7UP postcards,
1 very old Dutch big glass 7UP bottle,
1 regular very old glass 7UP bottle,
1 7UP pinlight crown cork,
1 7UP keyring,
3 different old 7UP drink glasses,
1 Fido Dido 7UP pin, and more!

Will be updating this blog with photo's and news updates every now and then. Subscribe if you are a true 7UP fan!

Will be updating this blog with photo's and news updates every now and then. Subscribe if you are a true 7UP fan!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Special Package from 7UP Netherlands!

I received a small yet nice package from Vrumona today, they are the Benelux company for 7UP!

In it was a very nice letter stating that they have send me 3 items for my collection, and hope I will enjoy it, well Vrumona, I certainly will!

The package contained a very nice 7UP ashtray, the old green one.

A very old 7UP keyring, a bit damaged but very nice!

And a old 7UP pin-light in shape and colour of a crown cork.

I'm very happy with the support from 7UP Netherlands, thanks, thanks a lot guys!

Will post some more pictures soon!

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